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We offer a wide range of custom apparel including t-shirts, hoodies, hats, jackets, tank tops, baby tees, crop tops, and more. If you have a specific item in mind, please contact us - we offer thousands of different merch options.
Generally, the minimum order quantity varies. It can be as low as 10 or as low as 25 depending on the type of product.
To get started, click the “Get Started” Button and we will get going on bringing your project to life! A team member will reach out to you within 24 hours to help you with free designs, or if you already have designs - getting you a quote.
We accept high-resolution files in formats such as PNG, JPEG, PDF, AI, and EPS.
Yes, our design team is available to help you create or refine your design to ensure it looks great on your chosen apparel. Our design process is totally free! We will never charge you for custom art.
We use various printing methods including screen printing, digital printing, sublimation, and embroidery, depending on the product and design requirements. Have a specific question about our process? Let us know!
Production time typically ranges from 7 to 14 business days, depending on the complexity of the order and the quantity. Shipping time is an additional 3-4 days. Need it sooner? Let us know we can always work around your schedule.
Yes, we offer rush services. Please contact us for availability and pricing.
We offer standard and expedited shipping options. Standard Shipping is always free!
Yes, once your order has shipped, you will receive a tracking number so you can monitor its progress.
Yes, we offer bulk discounts for large orders. Please contact our sales team for more information.
You will never be charged a setup fee.
You can reach our customer service team via email at
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